1st XV
Sat 04 Sep 2021  ·  London 1 North
Eton Manor RFC
1st XV
Tries: C Dutch, L Watson, J McDonald, A Lowe, J Sullivan-Warner, D OgufereConversions: C Dutch (3)
Its great to be back !!!

Its great to be back !!!

Martin Pearl5 Sep 2021 - 19:58
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Manor victorious against a game Thurrock side.

After what had seemed like a lifetime Manor finally played a competitive game of rugby when they welcomed local Essex rivals Thurrock. After a well attended pre match lunch, a crowd of over 250 spectators saw a new look Manor side with 6 debutants in the matchday squad come away as well deserved winners, although they didn’t have it all their own way as Thurrock showed great spirit to come back into the game during the second half.

Thurrock kicked off the game but were soon under pressure when debutant David Ogufere drove up field taking a few Thurrock players with him, when finally brought to ground, Manor recycled the ball allowing Nick Horton to put up a box kick. Thurrock secured the high ball and moved the ball out to the wing, but were caught in possession and bundled into touch. The lineout was secured by Jack Sullivan and quick ball found fly half Jack Emerson in space, he darted through a gap in Thurrock’s defensive line and made 40 meters before being caught from behind, knocking the ball on in the tackle.

The first scrum of the day was won by Thurrock but their scrum was under pressure. Despite this the early play took place inside Manors half, the visitors kept Manor pinned in with good defence but were let down by some poor discipline giving away a number of penalties allowing Manor to eventually work their way into Thurrock’s half, with 7 minutes gone neither side had looked like scoring.

Ogufere and Kirk Chettleburgh were causing their opposition problems with their powerful running, but it just wasn’t clicking for Manor and they looked rusty in their early play and were too often isolated when in possession and so giving away needless penalties.

As the match progressed Manor increasingly became the dominate side, a counter attack showed how dangerous the hosts could be. Cameron Dutch fielded a Thurrock clearance kick and ran the ball back, linking up Emerson who again made a good break before linking up with another debutant, hooker Jordan McDonald, he used his pace to take play into Thurrock’s 22 where he was eventually brought to ground 10 meters short of the line, he managed to pop the ball up to yet another debutant, winger Luke Watson who sprinted over the line and scored in the corner for what he thought was his debut try, but an offence must have been committed by a Thurrock player as the ref blew his whistle again and went under the posts for a penalty try, denying Watson his try but giving Manor a 7 – 0 lead after 20 minutes.

Both sides were still struggling for continuity with the long layoff from rugby affecting them although Manor were still having the best of things and it was they who were soon to increase their lead. Manor forwards were dominant around the park, Tom Christopher and his second row partner Sullivan both made some good ground but it was from a Thurrock mistake when they were penalised for dummying a lineout throw that Manor scored. Horton took a quick tap feeding the ball along the line where debutant Scott Smith made a good break before feeding his centre partner Aaron Lowe who took play into Thurrock’s 22, here the ball was fed to debutant winger Jordan Sullivan-Warner who raced towards the line, only to be hauled down a few meters short, as he fell he passed the ball out of the back of his hand to the supporting Dutch who went over in the corner and ran the ball to close to the posts to score Manors second try, he also successfully converted his score and Manor now lead 14 – 0 after 35 minutes.

Manor soon had to re-arrange their backline when Emerson had to go off with a damaged finger, Dutch moved from fullback to flyhalf with Elliot Brown coming on to fill the fullback berth.

The first half was drawing to a close with Manor still in the ascendency, after a couple of forward runs in the middle of the park, from the back of a ruck Horton put up a box kick deep into Thurrock’s 22 where their winger let it bounce and by the time he had it under control Watson was on him bundling him into touch. Manor secured the lineout and their forwards drove towards the line, but no matter how hard Manor tried they couldn’t break through Thurrock’s stubborn defence and when it looked like they had done so, Chettleburgh was held up over the line.

With the new Laws being trialled this season, Thurrock had a goal line drop out but this was gathered by Dutch who linked up with Horton who put in a raking kick deep into Thurrock’s 22 which eventually rolled into touch. Although Thurrock won their lineout and tried to drive it forward they soon knocked it on giving Manor the advantage of an attacking scrum inside the 22 . With the last play of the half Manor drove at the Thurrock line but were again repelled by some good defensive work from their opponents, Ogufere got his hands on the ball and when stopped managed to pass out to winger Sullivan-Warner, he powered towards the line and again when he was stopped, he managed to off load the ball out of the back of his hand. His fellow winger Watson had tracked the ball across the pitch and was now on his opposite wing where he had the presence to stoop low and cling onto the ball and in one movement dived over for a try which this time did count as his debut try. Dutch was successful with the touchline conversion with the ref blowing for half time with Manor leading 21 – 0.

The second half got underway and immediately from the kick off Manor put the visitors under pressure keeping them pinned inside their own 22. As Thurrock tried to run the ball out Chettleburgh tackled the ball carrier and got his hands on the ball winning a penalty which Manor kicked to the corner for a lineout. Here a pre-planned move saw Christopher win the ball and feed McDonald, he darted along the touchline and despite the efforts of a Thurrock defender he managed to dot the ball down in the corner before being bundled into touch for his first try for the club, although Dutch missed the touchline conversion after 5 minutes of the second half Manor held a very comfortable 26 – 0 lead.

Manor continued to boss proceedings and Thurrock couldn’t break out of their own half. Again Manors forwards caused havoc with their strong ball carrying with Chettleburgh and Ogufee to the fore, after the forwards had made good ground the ball was moved along the line and after a move between Manors centres, Lowe spotted a gap and from 20 meters out sprinted through the Thurrock defence going over in the corner for what was an unconverted try. After 10 minutes Manor were cruising at 31 – 0.

Still Manor attacked and after securing the ball and bashing holes in the middle of Thurrock’s defence the ball found it’s way to Brown who was out on the right wing, he set off only to be tackled just outside Thurrock’s 22, but with Watson in support he passed the ball out, Watson was soon brought to ground but Manors passing out of the tackle had been good all game and this was no different when Watson passed out of the tackle to the supporting Sullivan – Warner who outpaced the covering defenders to dive over the line for his debut try. The difficult conversion was successful and Manor pulled further away to 38 – 0 after 15 minutes.

Manor now became complacent and Thurrock soon took advantage of Manors drop in intensity. Thurrock began to enjoyed their best spell of the match showing good control in the forwards driving into Manors defence and this was soon rewarded when their flyhalf dashed through a gap to score under the posts and record their first points of the match, 31 – 7 after 20 minutes.

Thurrock continued to have the upper hand winning a number of penalties one of which was kicked deep into Manors 22. Here they secured the throw in and from 6 meters out drove over the line for their second converted try closing the gap to 38 – 14 with 10 minutes to go.

From the restart Watson chased the kick off but miss jugged his tackle on the ball catcher, tackling him whilst in the air resulting in a penalty to Thurrock and a yellow card for Watson, Manor would now finish the match with 14 players on the park.

Thurrock soon took advantage of their numerical advantage and after some good forward runs in Manors 22, moved the ball swiftly along the line creating an overlap out wide and going in at the corner to score their third try of the match, this was unconverted and with the clock running down the score was now 38 – 19.

Manor at last woke up and started putting Thurrock under pressure, from a scrum on the halfway line Ogufere made good ground off the back eventually winning a penalty which Manor kicked to touch. They won the ball setting up a driving maul. When this was brought to ground new prop Nikoloz Abramishvili had a thunderous run which was only stopped on the line by a combination of three Thurrock players. Abramishvili went to ground setting up a ruck which after a couple of pick and drives, Ogufere got his hands on the ball powering over the line for a well deserved try, capping his man of the match performance. Dutch was unlucky with the conversion attempt which hit the upright and didn’t go over. 43 – 19 to Manor.

There was just time to take the re-start and for Thurrock to try and get a try scoring bonus point but this was halted at source when the kick off was sent directly into touch and the ref bringing a halt to proceedings.

It was great to finally get to play some competitive rugby after such a long layoff, but it was evident in some of Manors play that there was still some rustiness to get rid of. All the debutants made good contributions to the teams performance and Manors handling at times was excellent. To start a league campaign with a bonus point win is always very pleasing. No doubt as the season moves on Manors play will go to the next level as players bed in and get use to each other but all in all a pleasing performance with plenty of positives to work with on the training park.

Next week sees a difficult away fixture at Brentwood, whom themselves had a good win against Chingford and are a team that always play well on their sloping pitch. As for Manor there will be a number of players available for selection next week who weren’t available for one reason or another this week so the coaches will have some difficult decisions to make over the coming week.

Match details

Match date

Sat 04 Sep 2021



Meet time



London 1 North

League position

Eton Manor
Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Primary Sponsor - UK Packaging Supplies Ltd
1st Team Sponsor - Essex Security
Club Sponsor - Edwards Duthie Solcitors
1st team sponsor - Austin-Chapel LLP
Mens Shorts Sponsor - Macai
1st Team Sponsor - 1st Event Luxury Travel
1st Team Sponsor - Petty Son & Prestwich
Stand Sponsor - Brownes
Board - Thameside Roofing Ltd
RFU Member Club - Accredited RFU Club