1st XV
Sat 18 Sep 2021  ·  London 1 North
Eton Manor RFC
1st XV
Tries: D Ogufere (2), C Dutch, J Sullivan-WarnerConversions: C Dutch
Belsize Park
Three out of three for Manor

Three out of three for Manor

Martin Pearl19 Sep 2021 - 18:08
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Manor continue their unbeaten start to the season.

Manor welcomed previously unbeaten Belsize Park to the New Wilderness, with the home side looking to extend their unbeaten start to the season. With a number of enforced changes over the team that beat Brentwood last week, Manor were able to give yet another product of their highly successful mini and youth programme, Ale Minns, his first team debut from the bench.

Manor kicked off the game and soon found themselves under pressure from their visitors who looked to run the ball at every opportunity. Being pinned inside their 22 Manor had to defend stoutly and if it wasn’t for a try saving tackle by fullback Elliott Brown Manor could well have found themselves behind within the first 10 minutes of the match.

Manor gradually started to get a foothold in the game using their powerful forward runs to good effect but when they did get into Belsize Parks territory they turned possession over and the visitors used the breeze to their advantage winning a couple of lineouts in Manors 22 after utilising the new law regarding 50 – 22 kicks.

Manors scrum was a useful weapon and after defending well inside their 22 Manor won a scrum, with Manor driving their opponents back, David Ofugere broke off the back of the scrum and made 15 meters before winning another penalty which Manor kicked for a lineout. Jack Sullivan secured the thrown in and Manor moved the ball swiftly along their backline to Jordan Sullivan – Warner who made ground along his touchline before interplay between Brown and Luke Watson found Watson in space racing towards the try line. He was tackled just short and then saw his off load go to a Belsize Park player allowing them to clear the danger, but Manor had at last began to look dangerous.

Manor first score came from a fast paced counter attack from a long kick out by Belsize Park, Cameron Dutch gathered the ball and fed Sullivan – Warner who again made good ground before linking up with Watson, he again went towards the line being stopped just short, at the breakdown Belsize Park infringed and Manor opted for a 5 meter scrum. Here they again showed their dominance driving forward, Ogufere picked up from the base and although initially, stopped, used his power to drive through the defence and over the line for Manors first try, with Dutch successful with the conversion Manor led 7 – 0 after 18 minutes.

Belsize Park came back at Manor and again with good kicking kept Manor pinned inside their half. After winning a lineout inside Manors 22, Manor infringed giving away a kickable penalty which was taken and after 23 minutes Belsize Park were on the scoreboard 7 – 3.

Manor continued to have scrum dominance winning a couple of penalties, these they turned into territory taking play into Belsize Parks 22. Here Tom Christopher won the throw allowing man of the match Giovanni Dall’Amico to drive to the line, although stopped just short Manor picked and drove forwards but just when they looked to have made the line, they were penalised for sealing the ball off and letting a score slip from their grasp with 30 minutes played.

Belsize Park again attacked Manor but good defence kept them at bay and again from a set scrum Manor won a penalty allowing them to gain territory inside Belsize Parks half. Here Manor forwards again won the hard yards with good ground made by Alex Leo, Sullivan and Damian Horton, play moved into their opponents 22 when they won yet another penalty. They again took the scrum option winning clean ball which was moved out to the backline but when the attack broke down the ref came back for a penalty at the previous scrum. A scrum was again called, this time Jimmy Baber, on for Ogufere, drove off the back, when brought to ground Manors forwards won quick ball which was passed to Ben Bolton-Smith who drove forward before being taken to ground, again quick ball was secured and this time passed to Dutch, he feigned to run to the openside then changed direction running blind outflanking the covering defenders and diving over in the corner for Manors second try, which went unconverted. The ref then blew for halftime with Manor leading 12 – 3.

Belsize Park started off the second half and again good defence by Manor kept their opponents at bay, but not to be denied Belsize Park upped their game and set about Manors line, eventually their bulky inside centre got the ball 10 meters out and broke through an ineffectual tackle to go over the line for their first try of the match, the conversion was missed but after 12 minutes they had reduced the deficit to 12 – 8.

The game became a bit scrappy with both sides making basic errors, but Manor were in the ascendency and debutant Minns made a good break taking play close to Belsize Park’s 22, he then linked up with Brown who then fed Dall’Amico who crashed through a couple of tackles before being brought to ground, quick re-cycled ball was fed to Dutch who set off along the line but was taken into touch short of the try line. From the lineout Belsize Park kicked deep to Sullivan-Warner who was close to his own 22, he fed Brown who set off on a run up field, he beat the first man then weaved his way 40 meters along the pitch before linking up with Minns, he made ground before passing back to Brown who in turn fed the supporting Sullivan-Warner who showed a clean pair of heels to the covering defenders to finish off a fine try. Dutch was just wide with the touchline conversion and after 13 minutes Manor had increased their advantage to 17 – 8.

Manor now upped the tempo with some big powerful runs from their forwards pushing Belsize Park back towards their line, here Baber, Horton and Nikoloz Ambramishvili all went close to scoring, but as Manor continued to pound Belsize Park’s line, the ref stopped play for an injury to a Belsize Park player. The game was re-started with a scrum 7 meters out. Manor drove their opponents back at pace and the ref had seen enough to award Manor a penalty try, the score moved on to 24 – 8.

Belsize Park, being the competitive side they are, didn’t lie down, they came back fighting and in the space of 10 minutes took advantage in a lull in Manors intensity to run in two well worked tries and in doing so they closed the gap to 24 – 20 with 10 minutes to go.

With time running out Manor continued as the dominant side, after withstanding a period of pressure Belsize Park kicked the ball deep from their 22, the ball was fielded by Ogufere and he set off on a bullocking run, leaving would be tacklers in his wake, he was eventually brought down 10 meters short of the line, the ball was recycled to Minns who charged to the line but was brought down a few meters short, he felt that he wasn’t held in the tackle so got up to go over the line only to be penalised for not releasing in the tackle, Belsize Park cleared their lines, but not for long.

A from another attack Manor again got close the to line but didn’t protect the ball allowing Belsize Park to turn the ball over, they then tried to run the ball from deep but a crunching tackle by Minns on the 22 allowed Dall’Amico to get over the ball and win a penalty. This was kicked for a lineout 8 meters from Belsize Park’s line. With ball secured Manors forwards drove in field and towards the line but a knock on gave a scrum to Belsize Park. Again they infringed at the scrum so Manor opted for another set piece. They set about driving the Belsize Park pack backwards and with the ref again playing advantage to Manor, Ogufere picked the ball up and powered over the line. Dutch missed the conversion with the score moving onto 29 – 20.

The last few minutes of the game were played out with neither side looking like adding to their tally and Manor running out deserved winners.

Eton Manor’s DoR Mark Farrell was contemplative after this weeks win. “It’s a solid win for us against a good Belsize Park, from a mediocre start, I thought we grew into the game as our forward dominance took control. But yet again from achieving a comfortable lead we allowed our opponents a route back into the game. That said it’s easy to forget this is new look squad has come from an 18 month pandemic lay off and we still have players returning to our ranks, this team has yet to fully connect and will take time to fully adjust & settle.

I was really pleased with Ale Minns making his 1stXV league debut, another product of our thriving youth system, he has certainly laid down his marker to retain his shirt. Week 3 positively completed, our minds now turn to week 4 away at Chingford.”

Match details

Match date

Sat 18 Sep 2021



Meet time



London 1 North

League position

Eton Manor
Belsize Park
Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Primary Sponsor - UK Packaging Supplies Ltd
1st Team Sponsor - Essex Security
Club Sponsor - Edwards Duthie Solcitors
1st team sponsor - Austin-Chapel LLP
Mens Shorts Sponsor - Macai
1st Team Sponsor - 1st Event Luxury Travel
1st Team Sponsor - Petty Son & Prestwich
Stand Sponsor - Brownes
Board - Thameside Roofing Ltd
RFU Member Club - Accredited RFU Club