1st XV
Sat 13 Nov 2021  ·  London 1 North
Eton Manor RFC
1st XV
Tries: D Banfield, I Onabajo (2)Conversions: C DutchPenalties: C Dutch (4)
Old Haberdashers
Ire's brace secures win over 'Old Boys'

Ire's brace secures win over 'Old Boys'

Martin Pearl14 Nov 2021 - 18:22
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Manor welcomed Old Haberdashers to the New Wilderness this week, a team that pride themselves on not training but a side that always produces excellent teams with a plethora of top players, Manor haven’t beaten them in the previous three years. New signing David Banfield made his debut in a side that showed a number of changes from the team narrowly beaten at Shelford the previous week. Before kick off all players and supporters observed two minutes silence in memory of those people who died for our country and also the people who served or were wounded in the wars.

Old Habs kicked off the game and things were fairly even in terms of possession and territory with both sides giving away penalties but attacking with intent whenever possible. The first scoring opportunity came after ten minutes and came as a result of a penalty to Manor from a scrum deep in their half. Cameron Dutch kicked for a lineout inside Old Habs half, the lineout failed to click with the ball missing its target and going over the top. Manors scrumhalf Toto Odulaja reacted the quickest pouncing on the loose ball and spinning through an attempted tackle before feeding his backline, Ben Bolton-Smith straightened up the attack before Jack Scorer continued the drive on. He was brought to ground but with Manor there in numbers Old Habs gave away a penalty. From 40 meters out Dutch slotted the ball between the posts to give Manor a 3 – 0 lead.

From the restart Manor were sloppy allowing Old HAbs to turn the ball over, then after a number of driving runs the ball was given to their giant centre who used his size and power to crash through some ineffectual tackles to score close to the posts. With a successful conversion Old Habs had taken the lead after 13 minutes 3 – 7.

Manor went straight back at their opponents and after winning possession of the ball some powerful forward runs by Banfield, Jon Berry and BJ Tunde saw Manor press inside Old Habs 22, here with the ref playing a penalty advantage Nick Horton put in a cross field kick which bounced harmlessly into touch. Play was brought back for the penalty 30 meters out which Dutch again slotted through the posts to reduce the deficit to 6 – 7 after 17 minutes.

Old Habs tried to hit back from the re-start but were met by solid aggressive defending by Manor which resulted in the ball being knocked on, Odulaja seized the opportunity to launch a counter attack taking the ball 30 meters up field before feeding the supporting Dutch who combined with Jake Kane to continue the attack which eventually broke down after a knock on. Again the ref had been playing a penalty advantage to Manor giving Dutch another opportunity to give Manor the lead which he did from 25 meters out, 9 – 7 after 20 minutes.

Manor soon added to their tally after securing the restart Horton put up a high box kicked which was chased by Odulaja putting pressure on the catcher who knocked the ball on. From the scrum Manor worked their way into Old Habs half with runs by Jimmy Baber, Jordan Sullivan – Warner and Jack Scorer before Manor won another penalty. Again, this time from over 40 meters out, Dutch added the extra points on offer increasing Manors lead to 12 – 7 after 23 mins.

Old Habs now had a period of pressure inside Manors 22 and although Manor defended well, the pressure eventually told when from a scrum Old Habs moved the ball quickly along their backline creating space out wide to go in at the corner for their second try of the match. Although unconverted the scores were now level at 12 – 12 with 10 minutes left to play.

From the restart Manor put Old Habs under pressure as they tried to run the ball out of defence, as they couldn’t make much ground they chose to kick long, straight into the arms of Manors hooker Berry, he set off relishing the thought of contact as he bashed his way through attempted tackles making 25 meters before setting the ball up for Manors forwards to complete a couple of pick and drives before the ball went to Banfield out wide, he faced a few defenders so he too took the ball into contact bashing defenders out of the way and despite a defender desperately clinging onto to him he made his way close to the line then dived over to score his maiden and Manors first try of the game. Dutch just missed with the touchline conversion even so, Manor had retaken the lead 17 – 12 with a few minutes left to play.

Manor continued to have the upper hand for the next period of play but couldn’t added to their score, eventually Old Habs got control of the ball and worked their way into Manors half. Here they won a kickable penalty but chose to go for an attacking lineout on the 22. Although Old Habs won the lineout they couldn’t breach Manors solid defences with the hosts eventually winning a penalty which saw an exciting half come to a close.

Manor kicked off the second half hoping to increase their lead but it was Old Habs who had the better of things winning a penalty 35 meters out which they kicked successfully reducing the deficit to 17 – 15.

Manor again had to soak up a period of intense pressure from Old Habs eventually winning a penalty which they chose to take a quick tap and go from inside their own 22. Dutch was fed the ball allowing him to drift through a gap in Old Habs drift defence, he raced 30 metres into Old Habs half before linking up with Ire Onabajo who cut back inside before linking up with Kane who took play forward and across field before sending a pass out to Sullivan - Warner out on the wing, unfortunately he couldn’t hold the pass and a promising attack came to an end.

Manor were the next to score and it came from an Old Habs lineout on the halfway line. BJ Tunde stole the Old Habs throw allowing Manors forwards to set up a number of drives before Horton sent a miss pass out to Kane who went outside his man then fed Dutch who cut back inside creating room for Ire Onabajo out wide. The young winger grabbed the pass and rounded his opposite number and dived in at the corner despite being grabbed around the shoulders in an attempt to stop him. Dutch couldn’t add the extra points from out wide even so the score had moved on to 24 – 17 in Manors favour after 15 minutes of the half.

Manor went to sleep at the restart and handed possession over to Old Habs by way of a scrum and things got worse at the scrum when Manor were penalised and Banfield shown a yellow card. Old Habs opted for another scrum which they won allowing them to move the ball quickly along their backline to score their second try. The difficult conversion was missed but it was game on at 24 - 22 with 18 minutes played.
With a man down Manor were under pressure and soon gave Old Habs another opportunity to score, this time a high tackle presenting the Old Habs kicker with a relatively easy shot at goal, but luckily for Manor he missed his attempt.

Still Old Habs pressed, keeping Manor inside their 22, from an attacking lineout Old Habs secured the ball and set up a driving maul which the ref decided Manor had brought down illegally and awarded a penalty try taking the visitors into the lead 22 – 27 with 22 minutes gone.
From the restart Onabajo chased and challenged high in the air and managed to win possession, the ball was set up allowing Manors forwards to drive powerfully on before the ball was again fed out to Onabajo out on his wing, he again had the pace to run around his opposite number and went over the line for his second try. Dutch was successful with the tricky conversion giving Manor back the lead 29 – 27 with 15 minutes still to play.

As expected Old Habs came back at Manor and although they didn’t have much possession Manors defence was superb and they eventual won possession after a monster hit by Berry caused a knock on.

Manor now had the possession and territory to pressurise their opponents and after winning a lineout on Old Habs 22 BJ Tunde broke through a couple of tackles before David Ogufere carried on the attack causing defenders problems with his carrying, eventually he was brought to ground a couple of meters short and as Manor recycled the ball the ref came back for a forward pass.

The game came to a close with Manor having to defend to stoutly to preserve their lead, again another thunderous tackle, this time by Banfield turned the ball over giving Manor possession at a scrum. With the ball secured it was left to Ogufere to drive the ball on before setting it up allowing Manor to kick the ball into touch to end the contest.

Eton Manor DoR, Mark Farrell was delighted with the result.
“I thought we played some really good rugby today, Old Habs are a side we have not beaten for 3 years, it was always going to be a well contested game. Although our set piece was not as dominant as it can be, yet again we showed what we can do when we connect and stretch teams, the two superb finishes by winger Ire Onabajo are testament to that.

Even though our club has gone through a protracted period of low player availability, it was good to see our second team convincingly beat National two side Rochford IIs yesterday. With several key players now returning to our playing ranks, we look forward to the remaining 3 fixtures taking us up to the half way point of the campaign.”

Match details

Match date

Sat 13 Nov 2021




London 1 North

League position

Eton Manor
Old Haberdashers
Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Primary Sponsor - UK Packaging Supplies Ltd
1st Team Sponsor - Essex Security
Club Sponsor - Edwards Duthie Solcitors
1st team sponsor - Austin-Chapel LLP
Mens Shorts Sponsor - Macai
1st Team Sponsor - 1st Event Luxury Travel
1st Team Sponsor - Petty Son & Prestwich
Stand Sponsor - Brownes
Board - Thameside Roofing Ltd
RFU Member Club - Accredited RFU Club