1st XV
Sat 22 Jan 2022  ·  London 1 North
Leighton Buzzard
Eton Manor RFC
1st XV
Tries: S Smith, D OgufereConversions: N Horton
Woeful Manor fall to 3rd defeat of the season

Woeful Manor fall to 3rd defeat of the season

Martin Pearl24 Jan 2022 - 12:23
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Manor travelled this week to Leighton Buzzard looking to consolidate their league position against the side occupying bottom spot in the league with a much changed side from the one that had beaten Chingford last week. As it turned out it wasn’t to be with Manor giving possibly their worst performance of the season, missing a number of clear cut soring opportunities and, in the second half when their hosts enjoyed the advantage of the slope, Manors usual solid defence failed to function resulting in the home side gaining a well deserved victory.

Manor kicked off the game and made the perfect start, they turned possession over which allowed David Ogufere and George Cosma to make good ground driving through Buzzards defence, the ball was then set up and moved quickly along Manors backline with Elliott Brown joining the line and out pacing defenders before feeding Jordan Sullivan-Warner who also beat his man and went down the touchline before passing to the supporting Scott Smith who ran in at the corner to score Manors first try. Nick Horton took on the kicking duties for the day and just missed with the difficult conversion attempt never the less Manor lead 0 – 5 after only 3 minutes.

Manor were in almost total control of the game with Brown causing problems with his pace and Manors forwards dominating up front. At the first scrum of the game Manor drove their opponents back but they did manage to secure the ball and attack Manor, eventually winning a penalty which they converted from 30 meters out 3 – 5 after 10 minutes.

From the re-start Toto Odulja competed and won the ball allowing Manor to set up a series of driving runs into Buzzards 22 before the forwards drove close to the try line but were then penalised for holding on allowing the hosts to clear the danger.

The second scrum of the game soon took place where prop Geoff Hughes who was making his first team debut after a frustrating few months out injured, destroyed his opposite number winning a penalty, something that would happen a few times more.

Manor were now camped inside Buzzards 22, winning two more penalties at the scrum before a further scrum took place near the try line, this time Ogufere drove off the back but was stopped short, Manors forwards were there in numbers and drove over the line only for good defence managing to hold the ball up.

From the goal line drop out Manor again set up a flowing attack instigated by Brown who made good ground before feeding Sullivan – Warner who from 25 meters out came in off his wing running through Buzzards defence making his way across the park towards the try line, when it looked that he had to score, Buzzards winger, who had come over from the opposite wing, managed to scrag Sullivan -Warner a few meters from the line and somehow as they both went over the try line, he managed to get under the Manor winger and hold him up over the line, stopping him from scoring.

Buzzards did then enjoy a period of possession taking play into Manors half, Manor though won a penalty but in the process prop Hughes had to leave the field with another injury, one that may rule him out for most if not all of the campaign. From the penalty a long kick to touch saw Manor have a lineout 7 meters from the line. Frank Sullivan won the ball and Manor set up a driving maul which went over the line only for the ref to decide that the ball had been held up over the line for a third time.

Yet again Manor came back at their hosts, taking the ball into the 22 where they worked an overlap leaving Sullivan – Warner with a clear run to the line, only for the last pass to go behind him and into touch, Manor had butchered yet another certain try.

From the lineout the throw wasn’t straight so Manor opted for a scrum and with Damian Horton now on for Hughes, they drove the home pack over the try line where Ogufere score a simple try. Horton added the extra points to take the score line to 3 – 12 with a few minutes left to play.

The last few minutes were played out without either side looking particularly dangerous, especially Manor who were now playing poorly giving away too many penalties and poor handling was creeping into their game. Manor lost the services of Jesse Liston to a nasty looking cut, then with the last play of the half hooker Jon Berry was sinned binned for an illegal block giving Buzzards the chance of points from a penalty, which was missed bringing the half to a close.

The second half began and the signs were looking ominous for Manor as the home side took the game by the scruff of the neck and began running hard at Manors defence, which for the first time looked vulnerable, they managed to take play close to Manors line but Manor managed to turn the ball over then fed Brown who showed his speed in out pacing Buzzards backline as he made his way up the park eventually getting into the oppositions 22 before finally being caught and brought to ground 10 meters short of the line and despite Odulaja being in support he couldn’t get his pass away.

Buzzards now had a good period of play with driving runs and swift back play and in trying to combat the attack, Odulaja was penalised for a deliberate knock on being sent to the bin taking Manor down to 13 players.

Buzzards opted to take a scrum against a 7 man Manor pack, winning the ball they moved the ball out to their backs who took advantage of Manors reduced numbers running through Manors normally watertight defensive line to score a well deserved try and with the conversion added they had closed the score line to 10 – 12 after 8 minutes of the second half.

As the half progressed Buzzards continued in the ascendency as Manor struggled to establish themselves in the game and soon another miss tackle allowed Buzzards centre to cross the line for another try which again was converted and took the hosts into 17 - 12 lead after 17 minutes.

Manor were still second best as Buzzards were playing with their tails up having the best of possession and territory.

Even though, Manor did have chances to get back into the game, but poor finishing and needless penalties hampered their attempts. With a few minutes left to play Buzzards were reduced to 14 players when they were penalised for a shoulder charge. Manor kicked for a line out 8 meters out. With the ball secured they worked their way towards the try line, but their drive was halted illegally so the ref was playing a penalty advantage to Manor, who for some reason carried on playing moving the ball out to fly half Jack Emerson who decided to try and chip and chase over the defensive line but as he challenged Buzzards fullback for the ball he caught him around the face whilst he was in the air causing him to fall to the ground giving the ref no option but to reverse the earlier penalty and give a penalty to Buzzards for dangerous play. All they had to do was to kick to touch for a well deserved victory.

Manors players were well aware that their performance wasn’t good enough on the day and a lot of hard work will be put in at training to make sure the performance isn’t repeated next week at Southend, otherwise they will be in for a very difficult time.

Manors D.O.R Mark Farrell said,
“Rugby is a very honest game, you get out of it what you put in and sometimes you just have to take it on the chin. This squad will know that this performance was not at the level we have set ourselves. We will be very focused on the training ground this week as we visit Southend next. “

Match details

Match date

Sat 22 Jan 2022



Meet time



London 1 North

League position

Eton Manor
Leighton Buzzard
Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Primary Sponsor - UK Packaging Supplies Ltd
1st Team Sponsor - Essex Security
Club Sponsor - Edwards Duthie Solcitors
1st team sponsor - Austin-Chapel LLP
Mens Shorts Sponsor - Macai
1st Team Sponsor - 1st Event Luxury Travel
1st Team Sponsor - Petty Son & Prestwich
Stand Sponsor - Brownes
Board - Thameside Roofing Ltd
RFU Member Club - Accredited RFU Club