Dear Member,
The date of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) has been set for Saturday 6th July 2024 @ 11.00am at the club and the purpose of this notice is to inform you that nomination forms for the position of club officers and committees can be downloaded from the club website; Select "Forms" in the navigation menu, on the left side of this webpage, and the document you will need can be found here.
Nominations are invited for all officer and committee posts, regardless of whether the current person is standing for re-election. If you are considering volunteering for a role and wish to know more then please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Should you wish to volunteer for any office, complete a nomination form and get a proposer and seconder to support your nomination. The closing date for the return of completed forms is midday on Friday 28th June 2024. You should be aware that only fully paid-up Club Members may propose for any office or committee and that your candidate for office should also be a full paid-up member. Those of the current committee who wish to stand again have already been nominated.
Nomination forms should be emailed to me marked “Nomination” in the subject line or placed in an envelope, marked “Nomination”, FAO Club Secretary, and put into the club’s post box adjacent to the Main Gate.
Should you have any specific items you wish to be included in the Agenda these should be emailed to me marked “AGM Agenda Item” in the subject line or placed in an envelope, marked “AGM Agenda Item”, FAO Club Secretary, and put into the club’s post box adjacent to the Main Gate.
The Executive Committee are duty bound to consider all wishes for nominations and agenda proposals. Only those specific agenda items tabled in advance can be voted on at the meeting.
If you have a specific question(s) you would like to ask, please submit in advance of the meeting so that we can where possible prepare a proper response for the meeting. Please use the Form to submit your question. As per the forms above, this can be emailed to me, marked “AGM Question” in the subject line or printed off and placed in an envelope, marked “AGM Question”, FAO Club Secretary, and put into the club’s post box adjacent to the Main Gate. Agenda items and questions should be submitted by no later than midday on Monday 1st July 2024.
Richard McArdle
Club. Secretary